Star Trek Online: “REDACTED 13”


I have played Admiral Aaron’s final installment of his Foundry-mission trilogy, “REDACATED 13”, and I thought I’d share my thoughts on it, without any big spoilers. First of all, Admiral Aaron is a roleplayer, who, just like me, plays Star Trek Online, and we’ve been exchanging in-character & out of character for quite a while. To clarify – “Foundry” is an utility, which allows the players of STO to create their own missions, for other players to play. I’ll not go too deeply into explaining that for the purpose of this little article; this was just for the clarification, in case someone wouldn’t be familiar what Foundry is, and what makes it different from the content created by the game-developpers themselves.

I’ve ever since played the first & second installment of the trilogy, where we try to discover the secrets behind Shadow-beings, as well as pursue the evil-twin of before-mentioned Admiral, Mirror Admiral Aaron, who keeps getting in our business, and as such, the obligation to punish him follows up soon enough.

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